2 Minutes

Celebrating Individuality Through Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

At Virtual, Inc. Diversity has always been a key contributing factor to our success.

As we know, companies that embrace diversity are much more successful in their business and see greater profits and are more connected within their communities. So, what does diversity really mean? It can mean many different things from race, cultural and ethnic background, gender, experience, education, and sexual orientation but it also means having variety in thought, perspective, creativity, engagement, problem solving and decision making. We have always supported the core elements of diversity and we regularly measure and hold ourselves accountable and see if our progress is having the intended positive effect.

Recently, we have expanded our view of diversity and through an employee effort we have redefined what it means to us. We enlisted a group of our employees to help us create and define our diversity statement. We are extremely proud to formally announce and share this with you below. Additionally, we have added Inclusion to our core set of values. We also find different ways to engage in conversations about diversity through town hall meetings, book clubs, panel discussions and have a Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee focused on creating awareness, education, and celebration.

Celebrating Individuality

Equity, inclusion, and diversity are essential to creating a workplace where people from all backgrounds can be their authentic selves. Living these values with intention gives Virtual, Inc. the power to be the best company for our employees and bring the most forward- thinking solutions to our clients.

We celebrate individuality by building an environment that recognizes and respects all the things that make us who we are. We strive each and every day to provide an open and inclusive environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

We truly value our employees for who they are, authentically, and how they contribute to our dynamic culture. We continue to strive to build an environment that not only values, but embraces, inclusion and belonging through connection and it is intentionally imbedded into our strategy.

We are sure you will agree that an organization’s culture is not built by words on a paper, but rather by the day-to-day actions that people take to ensure that sense of belonging. This is done through accountability for a set of acceptable behaviors and norms around diversity, equity and inclusion as well as fostering mutual respect, trust, and an openness to actively engage people from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and thinking with that appreciation of individuality and authenticity that creates that deeper sense of belonging.