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Spreading Joy And Making A Global Impact: Virtual’s Elf Program

One of our values at Virtual is “generosity.” We want to be generous not just with our employees, but with our support of the community. We do that through supporting our team members in their charitable pursuits (we’ve sponsored a lot of walkathons!), through grabbing trash bags and cleaning up the area around our offices and through the financial support of charitable causes. We regularly support the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, local healthcare institutions and the race relations research program at Boston’s Northeastern University.

As we do, we are fortunate as a company to have received thanks and appreciation from the groups we support. Sharing this sentiment has become one of our holiday traditions.

This is the tenth year we have randomly selected 30 individuals from all our locations to participate in our Elf Program—a company giving initiative. Each person who gets “Elfed,” receives a package from the North Pole, complete with an Elf, an abundance of confetti, and a $100 bill. We encourage those who receive this festive surprise to utilize the money to assist someone in need or support a cause they passionately believe in. In a time when many people require assistance, and in a year where we could all benefit from positive karma, this gesture aims to spread kindness and make a meaningful impact.

As a result of the Elf program, Virtual employees have made contributions to 30 organizations, including programs such as the United Way of Greater Nashville; The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO); DC Central Kitchen; Northeast Animal Shelter of Salem, Massachusetts; The Black Mountain Children’s Home of North Carolina; Ukraine’s Voices of Children and Australia’s Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network. These diverse initiatives underscore Virtual’s active involvement in effecting positive change in the lives of individuals and communities.

As we conclude this year’s “Elf” initiative, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible impact our Virtual family has made on communities near and far. The joy of giving is not just a seasonal tradition for us; it’s a year-round commitment that defines our company ethos and hopefully starts a habit of charitable support for those involved.

Our goal at Virtual is to help our clients make their mark on the world. We’re happy that we can extend that commitment to making a mark by equipping our army of Elves—we hope you’ll continue seeing how you can make your mark during this holiday season.