Jaci Cochran

What I do at Virtual:
I lead the Corporate Accounting Team. We are responsible for Virtual’s internal accounting, financial reporting, compliance, audit, and tax activities. We’re part of the “rock hard abs” that create a space for our operational teams do the “heavy lifting”.
Years of experience:
Past employment:
Accounting, audit, administration, and management in public accounting, Fortune 500, and small business entities
- Master of Accountancy, Belmont University; B.S., Business Administration, Auburn University
- Certified Public Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner
Favorite client story:
I derive a great deal of satisfaction knowing that the ‘behind the scenes’ accounting work we do makes a difference and supports our teams in helping our clients be successful.
Hidden talent:
Cooking and doing yardwork at the same time.
What I do for fun:
Reading, cooking, gardening, cycling, hiking, and railfanning with my son.
I can’t live without:
Feeling like I’m doing the right thing; living congruently; making others smile and feel valued.
Important life lesson:
Treat others the way they want to be treated. As Mr. Rogers said: “Be kind.”
Key to success:
Perseverance. To quote Jim Valvano: “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.”
Community involvement:
I do volunteer work with the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants and with my church.
Favorite movie, book, food, music/band/song:
- Movies: Dances With Wolves; The Shawshank Redemption; The Count of Monte Cristo; A River Runs Through It, Hamilton
- Books: The Danish Girl by David Ebershoff; A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins; Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry; Gary Larson’s Far Side Galleries
- Food: I like all kinds of foods, but a Meat & Three is always a good choice.
- Music: I like lots of different kinds of music… rock, jazz, classical, and some old country, but I usually gravitate to U2. My favorite songs are Hitch a Ride (Boston), Sweep Me Away (Matthew Perryman Jones), Dark Hour of the Soul (Joe Shelton), Sweet Surrender (Sarah McLachlan), One (U2).