Vice President, Technology Solutions

Justin Montville

What I do at Virtual:
I oversee an extraordinarily talented group that develops, delivers, and supports secure, scalable, and integrated core technology tools/services for Virtual and our clients.

Years of experience:

Past employment:

  • OneShield Software
  • USI New England

Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with concentrations in Management Information Systems (MIS) and Finance – UMass – Lowell

I can’t live without:
Family, friends, and a good challenge.

Hidden talent:
I find creative ways to injure myself doing any home improvement project…but they always get done!

What I do for fun:
Anything outdoors with my family, from organized sports to bike riding and skiing.

Important life lesson:
Give all your endeavors maximum effort and take nothing for granted. Things can change in a hurry.

Key to success:
Don’t be a roadblock to progress. Demonstrating flexibility and empathy can make great things happen.

Favorite movie, book, food, music/band/song:

  • Movie: Superman the Movie (1978)
  • Book: Where the Wild Things Are
  • Food: Crab Rangoons!
  • Music: Anything with a good beat