Chief Financial Officer

Mauro Lance

What I do at Virtual:
I work with an amazing team of finance and accounting professionals to drive and support (financial) sustainability and accurate reporting for our clients and Virtual, Inc.

Years of experience:
I have 25+ years of financial and operational experience by living and working in Chile, China, France, and the United States.

Past employment:

  • PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC)
  • MIT Media Lab
  • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV)


  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, Suffolk University
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Fulbright Scholar

Favorite client story:
In the past, I’ve had the opportunity to work for PCI SSC and W3C, two amazing global organizations that are Virtual Inc.’s clients. This has allowed me to experience different cultures and do some pretty cool things – I have learned how to cook homemade Jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) in Beijing, enjoyed the best Soupe au Pistou (Provençal dish) in the French Riviera, and did some surfing and snorkeling in South Africa.

Hidden talent:
I’m a sewing machine extraordinaire. My wife and I design and sew from time to time our kids Halloween costumes – caterpillars, fairies, knights – she is the brain and I’m the brawn.

What I do for fun:
I get up at 5AM and go to the gym where I act like a 5-year-old… jumping ropes, stretching on the monkey bars, handstands, you name it, I may even play hopscotch.

I can’t live without:
My wife and 4 kids. They are my are my anchor and what’s most important to me in life.

Important life lesson:
Be kind and follow the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated.

Key to success:
Be grateful, accountable, and punctual!

Community involvement:
I am a Member of the Board of Directors and Treasurer of two amazing education related non-profits (YMCA of Metro North and Foundation for Belmont Education), I have served on the Audit and Bylaws committees of my kids’ elementary school PTA since 2014, and I was a Founding Director, Treasurer, and Chair of the Audit and Finance committees of the Web Foundation.

Favorite movie, book, food, music/band/song:
The Sound of Music, Love in the Time of Cholera, Chinese, and Queen.